Raise Your Pr(pass) with Rising Fellow
We'll help you pass the CAS exams and get your FCAS.

Prepare for the CAS Exams
The CAS exams are changing. So should your actuarial exam prep.
Rising Fellow has the most comprehensive online courses focused on the changing casualty actuarial society assessments. Master the source material and practice hundreds of CBT problems so you can feel confident on exam day. With our actuarial exam prep courses and extensive materials, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to conquer your actuarial exams.
I passed all three fellowship exams the first sitting
“I used Rising Fellow for the last three fellowship exams. I went from passing roughly 50% of the time on prelims, to passing all three fellowship exams in a row. The exam cookbook and online course were amazing. Whenever I talk to fellow actuaries, I always mention how amazing the study material is and that it’s totally worth the investment.”
Get the most comprehensive exam online course with all the study materials you need to prepare for your next exam and have your best sitting yet.
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Discover step-by-step recipes for how to solve calculation problems and get more practice with original CAS-style problems and practice exams in CBT format.
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Learn the source material better with our detailed books & materials. They include past CAS problems, original practice problems, and plenty of worked examples.
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Getting my FCAS would have been harder without Rising Fellow
“I used Rising Fellow for all of my upper level exams, including passing Exam 9 in Spring 2022 to get my FCAS. I’m certain it’s still the best seminar on the market, particularly in preparing you for the CBT environment. As a mid-30s career changer, I have no doubt getting my FCAS would have been much more difficult had I gone with something other than Rising Fellow for my fellowship-level exams.”
FCAS actuaries used Rising Fellow
actuaries prepared with Rising Fellow
average recommendation by past students
About Rising Fellow
Our goal is simple: help future actuaries pass their upper-level CAS exams – the first sitting. Let us help you take some of the frustration out of this process. Trust us, we’ve been there… Our comprehensive actuarial exam prep courses provide the necessary tools and resources to maximize your chances of success.
Steve is the co-owner of Rising Fellow. His past work experience includes personal lines pricing/ratemaking, reinsurance risk analysis, and reinsurance reserving. Steve is an expert problem-writer and the actuary behind the Rising Fellow Cookbook. He passed all of his exams the first sitting and has been offering CAS exam preparation materials since 2015.
Michael is the co-owner of Rising Fellow. His past work experience includes personal lines reserving, commercial lines reserving, and personal lines ratemaking across both the carrier and consulting spaces. In addition to his work experience, Michael has taught at the university level and presented at a number of industry meetings. He has been offering CAS exam preparation materials since 2012.
Rising Fellow Resources
Corrections and updates to the online course and study materials for the current sitting.
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CAS exam information, exam-specific resources and study strategies to help you pass your next exam.
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