The average pass rate for Exam MAS II since 2018 is 55%.

Exam MAS 2 Pass Rate Statistics
Exam Sitting | Number of Candidates | Number of Passing Candidates | Raw Pass Ratio | Effective Pass Ratio |
F2018 | 40 | 11 | 28% | 41% |
S2019 | 59 | 17 | 29% | 36% |
F2019 | 131 | 66 | 50% | 56% |
F2020 | 291 | 142 | 49% | 56% |
S2021 | 400 | 269 | 67% | 70% |
F2021 | 466 | 170 | 37% | 40% |
S2022 | 596 | 308 | 52% | 58% |
F2022 | 569 | 322 | 57% | 58% |
S2023 | 397 | 249 | 63% | 65% |
F2023 | 682 | 443 | 65% | 67% |
S2024 | 773 | 440 | 57% | 60% |
Source: CAS Summary of Exam Statistics
- The exam sitting indicates if it was a Fall (F) or Spring (S) sitting
- The Raw Pass Ratio is the number of passes/number of exams taken
- The Effective Pass Ratio removes the number of candidates that scored less than 50% of the Pass Mark for the exam